Introduction to the AbortController in JavaScript

In the increasingly interactive world of web applications, JavaScript plays a crucial role in enabling asynchronous communication. One of the hidden gems in the vast JavaScript toolset is the AbortController - a powerful interface that allows you to abort one or more Web API requests. This article aims to unlock the secrets of the AbortController and demonstrate how you can use it to control your web requests.

What is the AbortController?

Introduced as part of the DOM standard, AbortController is a built-in JavaScript class. It allows developers to abort a fetch request using the AbortSignal, an associated object that communicates with a DOM request.

var controller = new AbortController();
var signal = controller.signal;

Setting up a sample fetch request

To see sample usage of AbortController, we first need to set up a fetch request. Fetch provides a global fetch() method that initiates a request over the network and returns a promise that is resolved with the Response object once the request is complete.

fetch(url, {signal}).then(response => {
  // process the response
}).catch(e => {`Fetch error: ${e.message}`);

Aborting a fetch request

To cancel this request, we simply call the controller's abort() method.


When the abort function is called, fetch rejects the promise with a DOMException named AbortError, because we connect both via signal.

Fetch Abort Event

To observe when the fetch operation is cancelled, we can listen for the abort event on the AbortSignal object.

signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
  console.log('Fetch operation cancelled');

Handling aborted fetch requests

Remember to handle aborted fetch requests properly in your code. If you can predict that a request might be aborted, you should explicitly catch the AbortError exception and handle it separately.

.catch(e => {
  if ( === 'AbortError') {
    console.log('Fetch operation aborted');
  } else {
    console.error('Fetch Error...', e);


AbortController is an incredibly useful JavaScript feature when dealing with fetch requests. It provides a way to abort fetch requests and DOM requests that are no longer needed. It helps to clean up processes and responses that are not needed, thus improving memory management and performance of web applications like switching AJAX tabs, etc.

Happy coding!