Mastering Ruby's argument handling: positional, keyword, and the magic of three dots

Known for its elegance and flexibility, Ruby offers several ways to handle method arguments. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into positional arguments, keyword arguments, and the powerful three-dot syntax introduced in Ruby 2.7. Whether you're an experienced Ruby developer or just looking to improve your skills, understanding these concepts will greatly improve the readability and flexibility of your code.

Positional arguments: the classic approach

Positional arguments are the simplest way to pass data to a method. They're ordered, and their position determines how they're assigned to parameters.

def capture_positional(*args)
  puts "Positional arguments: #{args.inspect}"

capture_positional(1, 2, 3)
# Output: Positional arguments: [1, 2, 3]

In this example, *args captures all positional arguments in an array. This technique is particularly useful if you don't know how many arguments will be passed to the method.

Keyword arguments: named parameters for clarity

Keyword arguments provide a way of passing named parameters to a method, improving code readability and allowing for default values.

def capture_keywords(**opts)
  puts "Keyword arguments: #{opts.inspect}"

capture_keywords(key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2')
# Output: Keyword arguments: {:key1=>"value1", :key2=>"value2"}

The **opts syntax captures all keyword arguments in a hash. This approach is invaluable when dealing with methods that take many optional parameters.

The magic of three dots

Introduced in Ruby 2.7, the three-dot syntax ... is a powerful feature that simplifies argument passing and increases method flexibility.

def forward_all(...)
  p('three dots, forward options or even a block: ', ...)

forward_all(1, 2, 3, key: 'value')

The ... syntax captures all arguments (positional, keyword and even blocks) and passes them to another method call. This is particularly useful in delegation patterns, or when you want to create wrapper methods without explicitly defining all the parameters.

When to use each approach

  • Use positional arguments (*args) when the number of arguments is variable and their order is important.
  • Choose keyword arguments (**opts) when you have many optional parameters or want to improve code readability.
  • Use the three-dot syntax (...) when you need to pass all types of arguments, including blocks, or when creating flexible wrapper methods.


Ruby's argument handling mechanisms provide developers with powerful tools for creating flexible and readable code. Positional arguments provide simplicity, keyword arguments provide clarity, and the three-dot syntax introduces unprecedented flexibility in method definitions and calls. Mastering these concepts will help you write more elegant and maintainable Ruby code.

Happy argument handlings!